1. Pay a large amount of money each week for food
2. Become clever at buying and preparing food on a budget, and consider what you NEED over what you THINK you NEED.
It comes down to thinking hard about what you eat and what you can do yourself in order to be more thrifty with the food budget.
"Waste not, want not" is our motto!
Some basic principles we adhere to are:
- Meat - rather than "meat and 3 veg" meals we cook "meat within a meal" meals which makes a smaller amount of meat go much further.
- Veggies - we try to grow what we can. I buy veggies first before going to the supermarket. I buy a lot of veggies; equivalent of 2 banana boxes full each week.
- I don't buy things "instant", "pre-packaged", tinned, etc... I make as much as I can from scratch.
- We drink water not juices.
We don't go without some luxuries and we don't buy the cheapest products either:
- I buy extra virgin olive oil and cold pressed virgin coconut oils, not cheaper oils.
- We use butter, not margarine.
- We do drink coffee...with cream sometimes!
- We all have a weak spot for chocolate.
Some things are still in the change stage and I am not a total organic health guru, but we all eat well.
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